Debt Consolidation Calculator

We are now offering free access to our debt consolidation calculator. Previously, this was a report that we only gave to our existing clients but we are now extending the offer to everyone.

You can click here to get access to the calculator immediately

The rest of this article will focus on what our debt consolidation calculator will show…

Table of Contents

What Does the Debt Consolidation Calculator Show Me?

The calculator produces a customs debt consolidation options report.

Each report has several useful features:

  • Full customization to match your specific financial situation
  • A complete, detailed, year-by-year breakdown of how much you can save in interest payments and how much you can put towards your debt
  • A breakdown using different scenarios – the pace of your debt reduction depends on how soon you can move to a re-financed mortgage with an even lower interest rate. We aim to have you into a lower interest loan within the first year
  • A detailed explanation of how we calculated the results to make the process as up-front and open as possible Would you like your own custom Debt Consolidation Options Report free of charge? See the link at the bottom of the page or just click here

How Do I Interpret the Results?

Our debt consolidation calculator will provide you with a number of tables and graphs. The first of which breaks down your savings.

  • This breaks down your annual payments into interest and principal under three scenarios.
  • It also shows you how much your remaining debt would be after year 5 in each scenario
  • The results differ for each person, but in the example below, the individual is paying at least $12,000 less in interest payments.


Next, you will see a few pie charts. These show your total payments over five years in each scenario.

The larger the blue section, the more interest you are paying for your debt.

It’s a great way to visualize the cost of carrying debt on your credit cards


How Are the Results Calculated?

We are very explicit in our calculations and assumptions. The calculator will produce a report that explains the process in detail.

debt consolidation savings

How Do I Access the Calculator?

Just click here to access the calculatordebt consolidation calculator

I Have Other Questions About Debt Consolidation

We would be happy to answer any questions you might have. Just click this link or the image below to arrange a phone call with one of our experts.

Debt consolidation consultation