
Private mortgage investment is the issuance of loans that are backed by home equity to individuals that do not qualify for funds through grade A lenders. However, our team of underwriters and appraiser partners ensure that these loans are safe and provide a much steadier and reliable stream of income to our investors.

Private mortgage investment in Vancouver (and throughout Canada) is a growing industry. However, entry into this market is not as simple as alternative investments, such as mutual funds. Changes to CMHC’s underwriting policies and market exposure, regulatory changes, and overall housing market trends mean that individuals interested in private mortgage investment (also known as second mortgage investment) face informational barriers.

At Home Equity Solutions we provide a broad range of private mortgage investment services suited for anyone from individuals to large, institutional investors. Investing with Home Equity Solutions is easy and transparent – we handle all aspects of the investment so you don’t have to.

  • Our in-house team of expert underwriters only recommends private mortgage investments that we would be willing to back with our own money.
  • We provide an initial credit analysis with recommendations on credit repair and ongoing credit monitoring. This helps to ensure that our clients are meeting their financial goals.
  • Your mortgage investments not only earn you a return, but help to improve the financial well-being of our many Canadians.
  • We can handle all aspects of the investment process, from the careful underwriting to the transfer of funds and provide an on-going monitoring to make sure everything goes smoothly.

We work hard to make the process as simple, easy, transparent, and safe as we can for all parties involved. Give us a call or send us an email and we would be more than happy to arrange a meeting and discuss any questions you might have.